6 Books Every Charleston Real Estate Investor Needs To Read

Whether you’re a newcomer to entrepreneurship and embarking on your investment journey into real estate or an experienced landlord, these books can help to improve your returns. Educating yourself on real estate investing is the key to building the best possible portfolio and it will benefit you to add the 6 books every Charleston real … Continued

4 Ways To Find Deals on Charleston Real Estate

Finding bargains is a way of life for many people. Always keeping an eye out for great deals, they’re dedicated to locating alternative resources in Charleston for nearly everything that is sold by those who no longer have use for the item. From household goods to larger ticket items such as furniture or appliances, these … Continued

5 Common Rehab Mistakes To Avoid in Charleston

Whether you are improving the home for yourself or as an investment, rehabbing a property shouldn’t be done without some preparation. In our latest post, we will discuss 5 common rehab mistakes to avoid before you begin the demolition. Buying a property that needs some work can be an excellent way to find a house … Continued

Things To Know Before Investing in Charleston

The idea of making money with Charleston real estate isn’t a new one. There are many ways you can invest and be successful. But no matter how you choose to invest, there are some things you need to know before investing in Charleston. Many people decide to start real estate investing, yet not everyone is successful. … Continued